Breathe in Your Blessings

Make It Your Problem

I watched “White Christmas” last night and was reminded by Bing and Danny and cast that ” if I am worried and can’t sleep, I should count my blessings instead of sheep”. Great specific advise but I would add that we are better when we counting our blessings.

When times are low, I can wallow in the moment and forget the amazing things that I have/that I was given/that are yet to come and dive deep into ‘woe is me’. I don’t do much better when times are grand – I can take everything for granted and stop counting blessings while seeing them as entitlements.

This Christmas season, I am counting my blessings and realize they are so abundant and rich they are. I am in awe of the variety and quality of people in my life. I am mesmerized by the beauty I get to see and the majesty…

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Social Movements Are The Next Big Weapon


occupy-movement-demonstrator-oakland“DEFENSE ONE”

“A turn toward social movement warfare could be a strategic response to the impracticality of direct confrontation.

Going forward, governments will increasingly rely on catalyzing contagious social protests to topple terrorist states and influence autocratic regimes.

The idea might sound far-fetched. But President Obama’s steadfast refusal to send occupation forces to fight the Islamic State in Syria may be evidence that the old methods of regime change—boots on the ground—are being rendered obsolete.

The idea that seemingly disparate social movements involving millions of people around the world could be manufactured—or “staged and managed,” as one Russian general puts it—to influence geopolitics will probably dismay many movement participants. Most protestors experience uprisings as organic phenomena. However, rather than rush to ignore or refute the accusations levied by Russia’s Ministry of Defense, activists would be wise to understand the implications of casting social movements as a new form of warfare…

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